For the first nine-weeks we have been focusing on the reading comprehension strategies of making connections, asking questions and retelling. Students use these strategies as they read to make sense of text and remember what they are reading. Here are brief explanations of the strategies and things you can explore at home. Using these links would count towards reading time on your homework calendar.
Making Connections:
Readers relate what they read to personal experiences (text-to-self), to information from other text (text-to-text), and to information about the world (text-to-world) in order to enhance understanding of information they are reading.
Making Connections Game
Into the Book: Making Connections
Printable Practice: Making Connections (does not need returned)
Asking Questions:
Readers ask questions about the text and the author's intentions as they read. This allows them to seek information and clarify or extend their thinking before, during and after reading.
Asking Questions Game
Into the Book: Asking Questions
Printable Practice: Asking Questions
Readers retell the important main events of a story as they read. This allows them to put events in order and make sense of the story as they read to strengthen comprehension.
Retell Game
Printable Practice: Retell