Here are some activities you can use to discuss persistence with your child.
· Discuss the word persistence.
Draw a picture and write a definition in your own words. Describe how you can be persistent.
· Discuss the word excellence.
Draw a picture and write a definition in your own words. Describe how you can do things with
· Discuss the word indifference.
Draw a picture and write a definition in your own words. Describe things you feel indifference
· Create a chart and give examples, write phrases, or draw pictures to
show what persistence, excellence, and indifference: look like, feel like, sound like.
Use a Venn diagram to compare persistence and excellence. Discuss times when excellence is the expectation and when persistence is the best.
· Create
a list of animals that you think are persistent. Draw one of these animals. Label the characteristics it has that make it
· Create
a list of animals that you think are indifferent. Draw one of these animals. Label the characteristics it has that make it