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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Habits of Mind--Persistence

This year we have been talking about Habits of Mind.  Persistence is to continue with purpose on a course of action especially in opposition.  We have watched some video clips and talked about this habit in regards to our state assessments.  Do what you love and do it well, stay the course, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  April will bring us two more rounds of state testing, math and science.  The more important task, is understanding persistance.

Here are some activities you can use to discuss persistence with your child. 

·        Discuss the word persistence.  Draw a picture and write a definition in your own words.  Describe how you can be persistent.

·        Discuss the word excellence.  Draw a picture and write a definition in your own words.  Describe how you can do things with excellence.

·       Discuss the word indifference.  Draw a picture and write a definition in your own words.  Describe things you feel indifference towards.

·        Create a chart and give examples, write phrases, or draw pictures to show what persistence, excellence, and indifference: look like, feel like, sound like.

·     Use a Venn diagram to compare persistence and excellence.  Discuss times when excellence is the expectation and when persistence is the best.

·     Create a list of animals that you think are persistent.  Draw one of these animals.  Label the characteristics it has that make it persistent.

·    Create a list of animals that you think are indifferent.  Draw one of these animals.  Label the characteristics it has that make it indifferent.